Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of British Columbia, our farm offers a breathtaking backdrop of the Monashee Mountain Range and fertile land with rolling hills. Situated at an elevation exceeding 1200 meters, our farm benefits from ideal climatic conditions of warm days and cool nights, naturally imparting sweetness to our caffeine-free green leaves.

In this idyllic setting, Brad focuses on cultivating and processing, while Sheila delves into crafting harmonious blends of herbs. Sheila meticulously creates and samples herbal combinations designed to complement the health benefits and smooth flavor of our greens. Tea'd Greens offers a uniquely smooth and refreshing taste that leaves your palate cleansed and craving another sip.

It is on this farm that we grow our super greens that we use in all of our products (Tea’d Greens). Our focus is to maximize the nutrient density (fertility) of the soil and then let the soil feed the plants. We grow barley, wheat and oats in a method referred to as strip farming. Strip farming is a practice that sees us plant a strip of our super greens next to a strip of the natural forage followed by a strip of supergreens and so on. There are many advantages to this system of planting. Namely, the reduction of erosion from excess rain or wind, water retention as the deep roots of the adjoining forage help maintain soil moisture, boosts soil fertility, attracts pollinators as the adjoining forage strip blooms, and controls pests as they tend to be attracted to the strip of forage. The result is a field of plant diversity in contrast to the vast fields of a monocrop you may be familiar with in conventional farming. Yes it does take more work, but the payoffs are worth it.

Our vertically integrated Tea'd Greens processing facility is strategically located right on our farm, nestled within the embrace of our fields. This proximity allows us to harvest the leaves at the precise peak of their nutritional value without delay. Often, this means embarking on early morning harvests, where the air is imbued with freshness and a gentle dew kisses the leaves. This magical time of day fills our facility with the captivating aroma of freshly harvested leaves as they begin their transformation into tea.

Our Farm-Centric Approach to Tea'd Greens Production